Choice deceptions
Showing open the door, he entered the room, startling the single inhabitant. She jumped visibly and, as he strod forward, spun about to face him.
"Hell and damnation" announced the ever proper, ever controlled Viscount Tarrant, heir to the great Heathfield earldom, and headed directly for the sideboard with its resident port decanter.
Aurelia watched, dumbstruck, as the man poured himself a drink, downing it in a single toss. Then, shrugging impossibly broad shoulders, he poured another one.
Jason and Aurelia needed each other. Both were being pushed by their respective relatives into marriages with persons they did not want to espose. Neither was going to allow others to dictate their futures. But when Jason answered Aurelia's newspaper advertisement, he started a chain reaction neither one would ever have imagined. Emma Jensen is an excellent writer. Her style is easy and flowing, her characters likeable and her plots interesting. It's an added plus that her books have dept as well as humor.
This is the first in a series of six loosely connected books, which can be read stand alone. However, future books in the series hold spoilers so if you really don't want to know the details you better read these in order. |
First published 1996 by Fawcett Crest
ISBN: 0449224015 |
Vivid notions
"The crowd," Vivian muttered, "is the reason I am here." She pulled her hand back before he could raise it to his lips. "I have been forced to flee from unwanted visitors."
One black eyebrow lifted a notch. St. Helier flashed his now-annoying easy grin and said, "I trust I am not one of the unwanted."
"I would venture to say, my lord, that unwanted guests seldom recognize their status."
The American heiress Vivian Redmond is visting England under duress. There she becomes gossip fodder when she figures prominently in a set of poems everybody believe were written by Byron. The rake Noel Windram, lord St. Helier, falls in lust with the woman he thinks is the poet's latest inamorata and tries every trick in the book to make her his mistress. Unfortunately for him, Vivian sees right through him and she's determined to resist him. In Vivian Noel finds that he's bitten off quite a lot more than he can chew. This is my least favorite of the books in the series. It's fast paced, well written and sometimes quite humorous. However, I'm less than convinced of the hero's sudden change of heart, nor do I particularly like the concept of rakes trying to seduce virgins.
Characters from previous books in the series: Jason & Aurelia, Grace, Rafe, Lady Fielding & Mrs deLancey. |
First published 1996 by Fawcett Crest
ISBN: 0449223965 |
Coup de grace
"Thank you. For rescuing me. At the tavern. It was unbelievably luck that you were there."
He scowled. "It was the devil's own luck. I belonged there. You did not."
"What a very odd thing to say. I was there purely by accident. And you surely do not belong among such uncouth ruffians. You are a duke, Rafe."
"Not by my choice," he returned bitterly. "And those uncouth ruffians are perfectly good company as far as I am concerned. They leave me alone to my business."
"Damn right."
After a fire kills his beloved parents, a distraught Rafael Marlowe, now the new duke, withdraws from society. At a tavern he rescues Grace, his old friend Jason's youngest sister. Grace, who feels her name's been changed to Disgrace, is a runaway when she meets Rafe, whom she's been in love with since her childhood. They get snowed in at Rafe's deserted hunting box, but he shows a distressing disinclination to take advantage of the situation and has her bundled off to his aunt as soon as the snow lets up. But vague Aunt Myrtle has her own way of assuring a happy ending. This book is closely tied to Choice deceptions where we meet the main characters as well as most of the supporting cast. It can still be read alone although the reader may be confused by quite a few allusions to the previous books in the series and particularly the first one.
Characters from previous books in the series: Grace & Rafe, Aunt Myrtle, Jason & Aurelia, Vivan & Noel, assorted friends and relatives. |
First published 1996 by Fawcett Crest
ISBN: 0449224864 |
What Chloe Wants
"If I am not mistaken, he was among the first in line to have me declared invalid as heir to the barony."
"Quite probable. All the more reason to wait before introducing you to Chloe. We will do it sometime when her father is not present."
"On the contrary, my dear. I find I am almost eager to make the lady's acquaintance."
"You are going to make trouble, aren't you?"
He Grinned. "Quite probably. Now which one is Lady Chloe?"
Before Vivian could so much as begin the introduction, the girl laughed aloud. She then lifted one arm toward Liam and used the other to tug at an older man's sleeve. "I have decide, Papa," she announced loudly, her delicate finger aimed directly at Liam's chest. "I will take him!"
As the daughter of the choleric Duke of Earith, Lady Chloe Sommersham doesn't have an easy time. Now her father has decided that it's time for his most troublesome offspring to marry. He doesn't much care whom she marries as long as he had a rank of earl or better. It seems an impossible task until Chloe meets the new Earl of Montraith and realizes he is the man she wishes to marry. Unfortunately, Liam is not equally struck by Cupid's arrow and now Chloe has to convince him that what Chloe wants is the best for both of them. We met Chloe in Vivid Notions, where she is a prominent bit player, and briefly in Coup de Grace. I like this book and Chloe is truly an unique character created by the author. Sometimes funny but with serious undertones.
Characters from previous books in the series: Vivan & Noel, Grace & Rafe, assorted friends and relatives. |
First published 1996 by Fawcett Crest
ISBN: 0449224872 |
His Grace endures
Deidre had never in their many years of acquaintance heard Lady Leverham fail to complete a word. But the lady was, at the moment, staring at the top of the stairs, mouth agape. He silence did not last long. "Oh heavens. You are not going to faint, are you, Deidre? But of course you are, and I haven't vinaigrette about."
No, Deidre was not going to faint. How very odd, she thought as she studied the figure who had materialized not three feet away, that she should be so calm. It was, after all, a scene from a nightmare. She could not quite decide what was worse: facing the man whom she had jilted quite literary at the altar seven years earlier, or facing the man who had killed her husband. Both were standing in front of her, in the single, impeccable form of the Duke of Conovar.
Seven years ago Deidre had been a pawn in her parent's hands to improve their social status. A runaway match had put paid to their ambitions as well as reduced their errant daughter to near poverty. Now a widow, with a sister in law to launch upon society, she must once again face the cruel ton and in particular their darling, her former fiancé, the Duke of Conovar. But life - and love - isn't always as straightforward as it seems. Can she let go of the past and embrace the future? Is the duke really as black as she's painted him? Speaking of paint, this season the exhibition at the Royal Society is creating some unexpected reactions. The best of the books in the series and probably of Jensen's career. Rather dark in spots but so compellingly written I couldn't put it down. This is no Big Misunderstand plot: Deidre and Lucas are likeable people with real problems separating them. This story will stay with you for a long time. |
First published 1998 by Fawcett Crest
ISBN: 0449002330 |
Best laid schemes
Tarquin turned slowly to see the bane of his existence crawling out from beneath the Henry IV table.
"May I be of assistance, Miss Cameron," he asked blandly. She was missing a shoe.
"No, thank you, my lord." She blinked. He blinked. And realized he had been staring. It was disconcerting, being caught by those eyes when there was so little else to note. But those eyes...
The Earl of Hythe, Tarquin to his family, had decided to marry. As everything else he did for his large inheritance, he was determined to get the best bred, most beatiful, graceous, intelligent Countess the Ton could provide. After several years search he had now narrowed his selection down to three, whom he had invited together with their parents to his main seat to determine which one would best suit. A simple plan - until his mother invited her old friend Lady Leverham that arrived accompanied by her pet monkey and Sybil Cameron, the earl's own Nemesis. After that nothing went according to plans and Tarquin found that in his quest for the perfect Countess he had forgot all about love. If His Grace Endures is the best of the books in the series, this one is by far the funniest! The stiff Earl of Hythe that we have met in several books already is the improbable, and suitably reluctant, hero of this amusing romp. The supporting cast is cleverly drawn and every one adds to the general enjoyment of the book. A must read!
Characters from previous books in the series: Lady Leverham, Elsphet Vaer & family |
First published 1998 by Fawcett Crest
ISBN: 0449002349 |
The Irish rogue
"You must sorely miss the society of London to be courting the company here," she announced. "Perhaps you ought to go back."
"What is it, Miss O'Neill? Have I inadvertently offended you somehow? I don't think Napoleon wanted me out of France half as much as you seem to want me gone from Dublin."
"Perhaps I just don't like you, my lord."
Ailís knew what she wanted. She wanted to continue her drawings for the forthcoming natural history of Ireland. What she didn't want was her mother's attempts at matchmaking. The local bachelors interested her not at all and, as for Lord Clane, she absolutely detested the man. The only man that she'd vowen romantic thoughts about was the local rebel An Cú and him she'd never even met. But Lord Clane was impossibly insistent with his unwelcome attentions. And now her brother was up to something havey-cavey as well. Ailís longingly wished for a nunnery but admitted to herself that if life was less peaceful it certainly was also more exciting. Although I usually enjoy writing that shows the hero's and heroine's alternating viewpoint, in this book it doesn't work. The hero has a secret the omnipotent reader knows from the start, while the heroine struggles in the dark. I don't understand the reason for this. Are we supposed to laugh at her and her misunderstanding of the hero's character? It made me rather uncomfortable as well as relieved the plot of nearly all its excitement. Likeable characters but…
First published 1999 by Signet
ISBN: 0451198735, 0708943721 |
A grand design
"This," he announced, "is my library. I don't give a damn what you do with the rest of the house, but I want this room left as it is."
""What a sad, sorry mess," she said without thinking. "It will require cleaning. New furnishings and paint, certainly a new carpet if not an entirely new floor. You would be wise to have new windows as well..." Her voice faltered. Tregaron, without saying a word or move an inch, had dropped the temperature of the room as a sudden hail.
"Who are you?" he demanded.
Secretly working in her uncles' struggling architect business, Cate is relieved when they land the job to restore Lord Tregaron's townhouse. Eight years ago he was hounded out of town by rumors his wife's death was no accident. He's now back and, at the urgings of his grandmother, looking for a new wife.Fierce Cate from the Scottish highlands is the last women he's make his bride. This book is losely linked to the six book series above, however, it creates havoc with that serie's time line, which is why I've separated it out, as we find both Condovar (book #5) and Hythe (book #6) have married while Chloe Sommersham (book #4) is still single.
Characters from previous books: Tarquin & Sibyl, Julius Rome, Lady Leverham, Duke of Earith etc. |
First published 2000 by Signet
ISBN: 0451201213 |
Other Books By Emma Jensen |
EntwinedHistorical romance set in Portugal, England First published 1997 by Ballantine Books ISBN: 0345416597
FallenHistorical romance set in Scotland First published 2001 by Ballantine Books ISBN: 0804119554
MoonlitHistorical romance set in Ireland First published 2002 by Ballantine Books ISBN: 0804119562, 0739422197
Follow Yonder StarShortstory published in Regency Christmas Wishes ISBN: 0451210441, 0451223497
The Wexford CarolShortstory published in Regency Christmas Spirits ISBN: 0451204387 Reprinted in A Homespun Regency Christmas ISBN: 0451227093
Copyright notice: Excerpts from the books are italized and copyrighted property of Emma Jensen, the author. These are used in accordance with copyright law that allows for short excerpts to be published in book reviews. All other text on this page is copyrighted by the site owner and may not be reproduced except with the site owner's written consent. |